Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Reading in the Rain

Due to long days of inclement weather (aka it's cold and rainy) thus killing any motivation to venture outdoors except to the gym or work or the grocery store, I've been doing lots and lots of reading.  Fortunately, my library is close and often has a decent selection of books and the capability to transfer books from other libraries in my county.  I've always been interested in nutrition but I've never done much research into vegetarian/vegan nutrition.  And I've realized that I'm not eating enough during the day.  I've also discovered that RDs and nutritionists are incredibly expensive even with help from insurance (over $100 for 45 minutes...I don't think so).  So what's a modern girl to do?  Pull out her library card and do research!  I didn't go to college for nothing...lol.  So I found this book Vegan & Vegetarian Faq: Answers to Your Frequently Asked Questions edited by Reeds Mangels and Davida Gypsy Breier with the Vegetarian Resource Group.   I greatly enjoyed reading this book especially all the questions that were answered by the authors.  Questions range from nutrition questions to questions regarding vegan tattoo ink.  Though this book did not provide advanced nutritional facts/plans for Vegan/Vegetarians it did provide an insight into the Vegetarian/Vegan lifestyle.  I highly recommend this book if you are a vegan/vegetarian, contemplated becoming a vegan/vegetarian, or just have questions regarding a vegan/vegetarian lifestyle.  I would like to find a good Vegetarian nutrional book that would give me meal ideas and tricks to eating properly throughout the day.  Any suggestions?

On a more serious note, I seem to have a problem  eating enough during the day so I often over eat at night for example I ate an entire container of hummus with rice cakes this afternoon!  I work all day with limited access to food (unless I bring it in).  Do you have suggestions for good snacks or meal ideas that will help me eat more throughout the day?


  1. I bring WAY too much food with me to work :)

    Easy snacks to pack OR keep at work:
    applesauce cups (don't need to be kept cold!)
    fruit cups
    trail mix
    nuts, dried fruit
    bring in hard boiled eggs
    yogurt + fruit + cereal/granola
    granola bars (bought or homemade)
    smoothies in travel cups

  2. Hey! Just saw your reply on HTP - I have never heard of Toscana West and am trying to figure out where it is! I used to live in Court House!
